
Weekly stats

Top 3 Civilian

¥$576.4K Money Earned
¥$66.4K Money Earned
¥$0 Money Earned

Weekly Leaderboard

Rank Username Flying Time Passengers Delivered Money Earned Distance Flown
1 blue01 7h 54m 0 ¥$576.4K 6337km
2 Decaff42 23h 53m 1.6K ¥$66.4K 10479km
3 UltraViolet 1h 20m 0 ¥$0 668km
4 Rexus2 0m 0 ¥$0 0m
5 SandwichMaster104 0m 0 ¥$0 0m
6 sandwhichmaster105 0m 0 ¥$0 0m
7 sandwhichlover365 0m 0 ¥$0 0m
8 RU 0m 0 ¥$0 0m
9 roch 0m 0 ¥$0 0m
10 Raavan 0m 0 ¥$0 0m

Top 3 Combat

184 Kills
128 Kills
112 Kills

Weekly combat stats

Rank Username Total kills PVP kills PVE kills Air to Ground kills Deaths

Overall stats

Top 3 Civilian

¥$22.9M Money Earned
¥$16.7M Money Earned
¥$11.3M Money Earned

Overall stats

Rank Username Flying Time Passengers Delivered Money Earned Distance Flown
1 Decaff42 9d 9h 0m 248.3K ¥$22.9M 352805km
2 blue01 1d 17h 11m 3.2K ¥$16.7M 212502km
3 UltraViolet 3d 9h 8m 76.6K ¥$11.3M 68548km
4 [22]Skipper 5d 23h 24m 34.6K ¥$6.1M 55074km
5 Acedev003 2d 1h 14m 16.2K ¥$4.6M 42298km
6 mariosteve 2d 19h 48m 5.6K ¥$1.8M 36081km
7 ibrahim 17h 10m 13.3K ¥$521.6K 10889km
8 [2UCW]Sabre 1d 5h 14m 990 ¥$213.5K 11910km
9 Swifty 1d 7h 54m 1.0K ¥$204.8K 15082km
10 Alpha Star 7h 41m 120 ¥$28.4K 3900km

Top 3 Combat

184 Kills
128 Kills
112 Kills

Overall combat stats

Rank Username Total kills PVP kills PVE kills Air to Ground kills Deaths
1 mariosteve 184 0 157 27 25
2 blue01 128 0 128 0 6
3 ibrahim 112 6 106 0 11
4 [22]Skipper 103 0 93 10 14
5 [2UCW]Sabre 100 10 90 0 29

Top 5s

Top 5 by Flight Time

Aircraft Flight Time
[AJVA/AFR]A340-600_SUPERTANKER 8d 9h 58m
GLOBAL_A380-800_NCA 7d 6h 23m
B777 4d 14h 11m
[AJVA/HOLI-ABEL-DAY]A330-900NEO 4d 4h 37m

Top 5 by Passengers Carried

Aircraft Passengers Carried Reward
GLOBAL_A380-800_NCA 184.2K ¥$10.1M
B747 60.5K ¥$13.2M
B777 38.1K ¥$11.6M
STELLAR_B757-300_NCA 12.6K ¥$1.0M

Top 5 Airlines by Money Earned

Airline Reward
SOJI ¥$28.2M
AJVA ¥$17.0M
YGL ¥$15.5M
OHANA ¥$169.2K

Top 5 Airlines by Passengers Carried

Airline Passengers Carried
YGL 247.1K
SOJI 115.7K
AJVA 11.0K
Welcome to the YSFlight Role Play Server Leaderboard!
For up to date server information, including the server link, visit the forums, and look for the server list
Here you can see who's leading the pack in terms of flying time, passenger deliveries, and overall score.
Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a new pilot, this leaderboard is a great way to see how you stack up against the rest of the community.
The server runs vanilla YSFLIGHT, so all you need to do to jump in is download YSFLIGHT from YSFLIGHT.COM (2015 version) and join the server.
So what are you waiting for? Strap in, take to the skies, and start racking up those flight hours.
Who knows, you might just find yourself at the top of the leaderboard one day!

The server resets at midnight UTC

About the server

When you join the server, you start with a Diamond Eclipse and a Piper Archer at rank 0. As you complete missions, you will unlock further aircraft.
To find where to pick up passengers from, you can type /destinations into the chat.
Once you arrive at the loading point, type /missions to get a list of 4 missions from that airport.
Some airports also have /routes which are more rewarding, but to set destinations.
To accept a mission, type the corresponding /number into chat, eg /1 for the first mission. The passengers will then be loaded up.
The chat will then indicate where to deliver them, along with the reward.
If you forget where you're going, or just want to check, you can type in /currentmission
It is important to note that passengers cannot be dumped on the runway, and must be loaded and unloaded at the terminal.
The server is now linked to live METAR, so the weather and time in-game will match real-life conditions (to some extent, at least for wind and visibility).
To check the weather, you can type in /metar in the chat.
Currently this feature is offline You can look at the real life metar for PHNL if you want to get an idea of the conditions: On METAR-TAF.com
Each airport has specific weather, so you may find as you're flying along that suddenly you enter a cloud bank.

How to get started

First, you need to download YSFLIGHT from YSFLIGHT.COM or YSFLIGHT.org (20150425 version).
Once you have downloaded YSFLIGHT, and installed it, you need to connect to the server. The address can be found on the forum:
https://forum.ysfhq.com/index.php under the server list, or see the server page at the bottom of this page.

Once you have connected to the server, you will be able to choose either a Diamond Eclipse or a Piper Archer.
You can also choosewhere you want to fly from under "Choose start position"
Once you have chosen your aircraft, and are sitting on the runway, you can type /destinations into the chat to see where you can pick up passengers from.
Once you're at your chosen destination (usually near a terminal building), you can type /missions to get a list of 4 missions from that airport.
To accept a mission, type the corresponding /number into chat, eg /1 for the first mission. The passengers will then be loaded up.
You'll see a notification in chat when you're in the right spot for loading, as long as you're stopped.
The chat will then indicate where to deliver them, along with the reward.
It is important to note that passengers cannot be dumped on the runway, and must be loaded and unloaded at the terminal.
Once you have delivered the passengers, you will be given a reward, and you can then get new passengers at that location, or fly to another
If you want to cancel a mission you've accepted, you can type /cancel.
Rewards are in ¥$, or SojiBucks, for Civilian rewards, these work towards your level progress, for combat rewards, these can be used to purchase aircraft and weapons.
If you stay in the same aircraft, and complete successive missions, you will get higher rewards, as you get a streak for each completed mission without exiting the aircraft. Keep an eye on that map, and know where your refuel points are!

Other Commands

Here are some additional commands you can use:

  • /missions cargo - Shows only cargo missions
  • /missions passenger - Shows only passenger missions
  • /missions rescue - Shows only rescue missions - Only available as a helicopter
  • /missions icao 'ICAO code' - Fetches missions for a specific airport (replace 'ICAO code'' with the 4-digit ICAO code)

How to get more aircraft

As you complete missions, and gain more money, you will unlock further aircraft.
The ranks and aircraft are likely to change in future as the server develops.


You don't have to have mods to fly here, but adding on the following mods will give you access to some more aircraft.

  • Able Jets Group Fleet Pack 8.0 Available here
  • NatComAir YS Virtual Airline Available here
    Currently only using Ohana and YGL, will expand in future
  • Saloha Airlines PackAvailable here!
  • Custom start positions (Made by Decaff) Available here - Install by overwriting your default hawaii start positions
    Copy file into ysflight/scenery/
    This adds start positions to most airports and terminals.
  • GAC/2ch for the combat aircraft Available here
  • Ranks

    Currently there are 6 ranks, and they're dependant on the money you've made from missions.
    To see how much money you've made in total (and current rank) type /money into the chat.
    The ranks are:

    Rank 0: ¥$0-¥$500
    Rank 1: ¥$500-¥$1,000
    Rank 2: ¥$1,000-¥$10,000
    Rank 3: ¥$10,000-¥$50,000
    Rank 4: ¥$50,000-¥$100,000
    Rank 5: ¥$100,000-¥$200,000
    Rank 6: ¥$200,000-¥$500,000
    Rank 7: ¥$500,000-¥$1,000,000
    Rank 8: ¥$1,000,000-¥$5,000,000
    Rank 9: ¥$5,000,000-¥$10,000,000
    Rank 10: ¥$10,000,000+

    The more passengers you deliver, the more money you will make.
    Rewards are based on the passenger numbers (each plane has a different capcaity), and the distance you fly.


    As of YSRP2 (currently running on the server), there is air combat.
    To prevent abuse, this is limited to users who have logged in with a discord account.
    Go to "login" at the top to log in via discord. On the "Me" page, you will see a "Link Code" - this is your code to use in-game.
    To get started, in YSFlight, log in with the username you want to link, and type /login linkcode (replace linkcode with your code)
    You will then receive your aircraft. You start with WW2 aircraft, and if you have logged in and linked, you'll have access to the shop to purchase more aircraft.
    Aircraft are purchasable with combat rewards, which are earned by shooting down other aircraft.

  • ¥$500 for an AI kill
  • ¥$1000 for a player kill

  • Combat is currently in beta, so there may be bugs!
    Weapons are also purchasable. Guns are free, but any missiles, bombs etc, you need to purchase from the shop.

    Server Status